I can't learn spanish fast enough.

I had the most frustrating experience ordering food today. I went to a restaurant and sat down. There was a board on the wall with some meals listed, and I tried to ask the waiter if that was the entire menú. He didn't get what I was trying to say, and we went back and forth for what felt like years. All he did was look at me like I was absolutely crazy. And it's not like menú is some crazy hard word, it's the same! I think the most frustrating thing is that I knew what I wanted to say and I pretty much knew how to say and he didn't get it. Before I've known what I wanted to say and had no idea how to say it and had no problem at all. I ended up ordering some food and whatever, so the situation was salvagable, but frustrating enough that I wished I could hide under the table. So, I'm back at my apartment, and I think I'm going to force myself to go get a coffee and do some writing so I don't completely avoid interacting with people en español. I must be able to communicate.

In other news, it's been raining in Buenos Aires for the past 3 days, so I haven't done too much exploring. It's nice knowing I have so much time, so I don't feel pressured to go go go. It rains, so I stay in and read or siesta. I think I'll forever be ruined for short vacations. I don't know how people could only go somewhere for only one week. It's so wonderful not to feel rushed, but that I can explore the city on my own time. Besides, if I felt rushed I would probably be stepping in dog shit all the time. It's everywhere in this city, totally disgusting. But the sidewalks are such a mess with broken concrete and trash that you pretty much walk looking down anyway. You have to look up to see the beauty in Buenos Aires though. If you always look down you would find it disgusting. And so, you have to stop and look around.

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