snowboarding = ouch

i've been thinking about snowboarding for a few months now, and yesterday i finally went to hoodoo. hoodoo is a fun little low-key place outside of sisters, or. i've only been snowboarding once before with my brother. i remember spending a lot of time on the ground, spending a little too much time in the air and not being able to move the next day. today i'm doing sort of a shuffle and knocking things over here and there, but it's not so bad.

we started out our day with a lesson that nearly bored us to tears. it ends up that B hates snowboarding and i love it. i spent the afternoon on the bunny hill by myself, going in a non-stop cycle up the lift, down the hill and up again. i would tell myself it was the last time or that i would rest a moment, but before i knew it i was on the lift again. miraculously i even made it down the hill a few times without falling. i love it. i even love my shuffle today. i want a little mountain in my backyard.

so today is for recovery and knitting. i am working on the mancala board and a little pad for the tea pot. i will beg the cooperation of the washing machine this afternoon to felt. and perhaps i'll get around to knitting some more of the lace. so tedious, but sooooo good.


it seems that i am ineligible for unemployment. why? because for unemoployment qualification they look at your work history/income/hours from two quarters ago. so, they looked only at my work from jul/aug/sep. it just so happens that i started in late july and worked july and august 32 hours/week part time. i can refile for unemployment in april, when they'll look at my work from oct/nov/dec, and then i'll qualify. obviously i'm pissed, i'm not quite sure how to take this. so, please share your unemployment stories with me to cheer me up.

have i ever mentioned how much i hate looking for a job? truly. es lo peor de lo peor. i think i'll look for something in farming... i've been looking at farming internships, but so many of them offer next to no money. i realize they are "learning opportunities," but if i'm going to work my ass off...

i'm open to suggestions for wonderful things to do in the near future. any ideas?

9 months later....

so much and so little can happen in 9 months that it's hard to know where to begin. here's the month-by-month synopsis.

MAY: back in the u.s. after 9 months of travelling. recovery. began the hardcore job search. planted the garden.

JUN: continued the hardcore job search. uneventfully turned 27. tended the garden. obsessive knitting. weeklong camping trip and job interviews around oregon.

JUL: ate an absurd amount of cherry tomatoes in the the garden. family is convinced the cherry tomato plant never produced. officially ran out of money. modified the job search to local. started working pt for prineville public works.

AUG: rode my bike to work. learned that in prineville only people with DUIs and kids ride bikes. started the apartment hunt. learned that in prineville a 27 year old woman looking for a one bedroom apartment is considered a spinster. started a knitting group.

SEP: got promoted to full time. moved into new apartment. like a crazy woman, i started going to every yard sale i could find. furnished my apartment.

OCT: B arrived in oregon. lance and melissa got married. weekends on the coast. discovered yachats.

NOV: thanksgiving with the parents. visited ghost towns of oregon. the dalles christmas parade, seaside christmas parade, newport lighted boat parade.

DEC: winter weather. cold walks to work in the morning. christmas with B in prineville. new years at the sand dunes. knitting group yarn exchange.

JAN: sitka open house. elimination of my job, became unemployed. prineville city council meeting with over 150 people, all irate. filed for unemployment. start the job search again.

this month: uncover local government corruption- finding the information to support the theories. starting to become an actual prineville resident. going on the job hunt, again.

more to come shortly....