
it seems that i am ineligible for unemployment. why? because for unemoployment qualification they look at your work history/income/hours from two quarters ago. so, they looked only at my work from jul/aug/sep. it just so happens that i started in late july and worked july and august 32 hours/week part time. i can refile for unemployment in april, when they'll look at my work from oct/nov/dec, and then i'll qualify. obviously i'm pissed, i'm not quite sure how to take this. so, please share your unemployment stories with me to cheer me up.

have i ever mentioned how much i hate looking for a job? truly. es lo peor de lo peor. i think i'll look for something in farming... i've been looking at farming internships, but so many of them offer next to no money. i realize they are "learning opportunities," but if i'm going to work my ass off...

i'm open to suggestions for wonderful things to do in the near future. any ideas?

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