knitting news

i have officially learned the lesson of knitting a gauge swatch. though i almost faithfully do it, i didn´t do it this one time when the gauge on the yarn wrapper matched the gauge of my pattern. it seems my fist mistake was being so trusting of a little peice of paper. never again will a little peice of paper receive so much trust. i started knitting my baby sweater without much thought. i am not around so many babies, so i wasn´t thinking so much about size. bythe time i got to the neck of one panel, i realized the sweater i was knitting could be worn by a child on their first day of pre-school, or perhaps even kindergarden depending on the child.

it took a little while of swearing and wanting to light what was supposed to be a little adorable garment on fire before i formed a plan. the adorable baby sweater, turned toddler sweater would make yet one more formation into a baby bag-blanket. and now, it´s absolutely adorable, and i think i even like it better than the sweater it was supposed to be. the next task it is to find some time to finish knitting it....

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