
Lavender farms are absolutely lovely. Beautiful purple flowers everywhere and the scent of lavender is on absolutely everything. Even after a day on my knees picking lavender it still seems lovely. Maybe after a few years of the work it wouldn't seem quite so lovely, but lucky me doesn't have to worry about that.

My week at Our Patch Lavender has been great. My hosts Michael and Marion are of the personable and funny sort, which suits me just fine. But alas, it is time to move on. Tomorrow evening I will head up to Auckland and stay for only one night before heading up to the Waihoihoi Lodge in Waipu. This I where I'll be spending almost all the rest of my time in New Zealand, including Christmas. It's an all women's lodge, and I'm not quite sure what exactly that implies yet.

I hope all of you are not going too crazy in this holiday season. If you are, I recommend a trip to New Zealand. While everyone is still running around getting ready for Christmas, it's hard to get too caught up in it because of the weather. Seeing santa in board shorts and having the sun shining puts me in good spirits, but not necesarily of the holiday sort. Happy shopping and I promise to think of you while I'm on the beach, if you promise to think of me while eating your delicious turkey.

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