Goodbye english.

Today is my last day in New Zealand. I have not made my NZ highlights list yet, but I'll share it with you when I do. There's a few things that I'm going to miss for sure, one being english. I'm also going to miss some of the people I've met here in New Zealand. All of my WWOOF hosts here were spectacular. And the couple that I met at Waihoihoi Lodge and stayed with here in Auckland I will be forever grateful to. I think we'll be friends for life. Part of me doesn't even want to leave NZ, but I think the government will give me the boot. And if the government gives me the boot I'll never be able to come back.

Anybody hear about the earthquake in Fiji? It was a 7.1 on the richter scale, but apparently too deep to be felt or to cause a tsunami. Still, it makes me glad that I wasn't there. I can't tell you how many signs were pointing to not going to Fiji and how many times I've been reassured in my decision not to go. I'm guessing that Jen feels the same. But I'll never know seeing as we're not talking anymore. So goes life, eh?

I'm excited and absurdly nervous about Argentina. Fortunately I've got 2 nights booked at what should be a nice hotel. After 30 hours of flying and airports I plan on passing out for two days. I also plan on somehow waking up refreshed and ready to tackle Buenos Aires with my spanish phrase book until I can learn some spanish. Wish me luck.

Anybody make any good New Years resolutions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam,

I know that we only met once or twice, but I worked with Jen at Legals way back when & have been reading your blogs since you left. I think it's awesome how you are traveling...I highly recommend it as well & wish I could do it full-time. I wanted to let you know that I have two friends from Boston that are going to be in BA, SA mid-January...if you wanted their emails (it's always nice to have a friendly face to go get a beer with, if you need it)...just let me know & I send it on to you. They are fun girls that are going to be traveling & teaching english down there...All the best & sorry to hear that things didn't work out with you and thoughts are with both of you.
-Megan (